
As a parish, we are committed to working together to make Jesus Christ known, loved and served in our families, throughout the Hibbing community and in the world. We are also committed to live as the Lord taught, drawing inspiration from the scriptures and strength from the sacraments, especially the Eucharist. Our parish strives to nurture spiritual growth, share the gifts God has given us, and invite others into a relationship with Christ.

We are One Body, One Spirit in Christ.

After hours emergency

In case of an emergency after regular business hours, please call (218) 262-5541 ext. 7 to reach a Priest.


The 2024 Diocese of Duluth Ministries Appeal

Please click HERE for The Ministries Appeal Introduction video, presented by Bishop Daniel.

The Ministries Appeal is still happening! If you have not already done so, please make your gift. There are three easy ways to give: mail, online, or in the basket at the parish. For more information on the appeal please go to: https://www.dioceseduluth.org/the-ministries-appeal or click the QR code.

Assumption School Glow Run

Parish Staff


  • Sun, Sep 15th

  • Sun, Sep 8th

Office Hours

Monday - Thursday........8:30am - 4:00pm
Friday...8:30am -1:00pm

Opportunity to Serve!

"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a strange and you welcomed me" (Mt 25:35)

We have been given an opportunity to serve a meal feeding 50 to 60 people at the Salvation Army once a month (First Friday of each month), but we need your help! Volunteers are needed (must be 14 years or older/14-18 years old must be with adult). The meal volunteers are also able to help prepare the meal and clean up (not required). The next opportunity to serve is Friday, October 4th. Sign up by clicking HERE or call the Parish Office 262-5541.


Parish Life

  • Easter Vigil
  • Easter Vigil
  • Assumption School Program "Noah's Ark"
  • Assumption School Program Noah's Ark
  • Assumption School Light of Leadership
  • Corpus Christi Procession
  • Corpus Christi Procession
  • Corpus Christi Procession
  • On Corpus Christi Sunday, our Widows of Prayer brought the beautiful baskets of processional flowers to the monument of Monsignor Limmer and 6 other deceased Priests. Our Widows of Prayer witnesses for us to always remember our Priests in prayer. Please continue to pray for our deceased Priests.
  • Together for Life Caramel wrapping
  • Deanery Welcome Mass for Bishop Daniel Felton. Praise God!
  • Welcome social for our new Priests
  • Welcome social for our new Priests
  • Totus Tuus
  • Totus Tuus
  • Totus Tuus Team
  • 7th-12th grade Totus Tuus participants enjoying a pizza party
  • Opening Mass 2021-2022 School year. God Bless Assumption School!
  • Outreach
  • First day of School fun at Assumption Catholic School
  • Our Lady of the Rosary Walk
  • Our Lady of the Rosary Walk
  • Our Lady of the Rosary
  • Our Lady of the Rosary
  • 11th Annual Blue Mass
  • 11th Annual Blue Mass
  • 11th Annual Blue Mass
  • 11th Annual Blue Mass
  • Duluth Youth Trip
  • Memorial Mass
  • Fr. Daniel enjoying the Faith Formation Christmas Party!
  • Lee Center Christmas treats
  • One Catholic Family Event
  • Chrism Mass
  • Chrism Mass
  • Chrism Mass
  • Chrism Mass
  • Easter Tea
  • Easter Tea
  • Easter Tea
  • 2022 Totus Tuus!
  • Totus Tuus water fight!
  • Totus Tuus water fight!
  • 2022 Camp Survive
  • Totus Tuus water fight!
  • Our beautiful Courtyard!
  • One Catholic Family Event
  • 12th Annual Blue Mass
  • 12th Annual Blue Mass
  • 12th Annual Blue Mass
  • Newly ordained Deacon Jacob Toma visiting Assumption School classrooms.
  • Assumption Catholic School students holding Boxes of JOY.
  • Deacon Jacob Toma visits the 6th grade classroom.
  • CCW pasty making
  • The Spirit of Unity Parade
  • The Spirit of Unity Parade
  • The Spirit of Unity Parade
  • Blessing of the Advent wreath
  • Christmas Mass
  • Our Beautiful Church!
  • Christmas Eve Mass
  • Fr. Daniel explains the doorway blessing for Epiphany to our Kindergarten class.
  • TOBIT Retreat for teens~ Big Sandy Resort
  • Kitchen volunteers for the HOPE AND HEALING Event.
  • Our beautiful Church!
  • Totus Tuus 2024
  • Ash Wednesday Mass
  • 2023 Parish Funspiel
  • 2023 Parish Funspiel
  • Mass for Grandparents
  • Assumption School Pierogi party
  • Assumption School pierogi party
  • Ms. Kolodji leading the pierogi making party!
  • Assumption School pierogi party
  • Good Friday Living Stations of the Cross
  • Good Friday Living Stations of the Cross
  • Good Friday
  • Good Friday
  • Good Friday
  • Good Friday
  • Holy Thursday
  • Holy Thursday
  • Holy Thursday
  • Easter Vigil
  • Easter Vigil
  • Easter Vigil
  • Easter Vigil
  • Easter Vigil
  • Hope and Healing Event
  • Hope and Healing Event
  • Hope and Healing Event
  • Hope and Healing Event
  • Our wonderful kitchen crew for the Hope and Healing Event!
  • 2023 Confirmation Class
  • Spirit Fest outdoor Mass
  • Spirit Fest
  • Council of Catholic Women present Fr. Daniel with a check for our Parish at the Annual Family Life Care Center Baby Shower.
  • Fr. Jacob Toma's first Mass of Thanksgiving
  • Fr. Jacob Toma's first Mass of Thanksgiving
  • Social following Fr. Jacob Toma's first Mass of Thanksgiving
  • Social following Fr. Jacob Toma's first Mass of Thanksgiving
  • Social following Fr. Jacob Toma's first Mass of Thanksgiving
  • Fr. Jacob Toma's first Mass of Thanksgiving
  • Fall Festival cooking
  • Salvation Army Feeding the Hungry
  • Salvation Army feeding the Hungry

Guided by Human Dignity: Voting with a Catholic Conscience

Guided by Human Dignity: Voting with a Catholic Conscience

The Catholic bishops of Minnesota encourage all Catholics to vote in the 2024 election with a focus on human dignity. Recognizing that every person is made in the image and likeness and therefore has inherent dignity, the bishops emphasize that many issues debated by elected officials significantly impact this principle. On April 2, 2024, the Church released a Declaration on Human Dignity, titled Dignitatis Infinita. This document provides insights into how contemporary issues such as abortion, war, poverty, assisted suicide, and gender relate to human dignity. 

The Minnesota Catholic Conference urges Catholics to utilize this declaration alongside the USCCB's Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship to educate themselves and guide their voting decisions for local, state, and federal offices in the upcoming November election.

Visit https://www.mncatholic.org/election2024 for more info. 


Tuesday evening 4:30pm-5:15pm

Saturday  3:00pm - 4:00pm


Eucharistic Adoration

Eucharistic Adoration is available in the Adoration Chapel Thursday from 8:30am- Friday 8:00am. To commit to an hour email Sue at sue.schwartz@duluthcatholic.org or call her at (218) 969-4718.  You are invited to spend time with Jesus!  

 Please contact Sue Schwartz at sue.schwartz@duluthcatholic.org or call (218) 969-4718.

Church Hours

CHURCH HOURS:  The Church will be open for prayer each week as follows:  Sunday 7:30am until the conclusion of 10am Mass; Mon., Tues., & Wed. 7:30am-4pm; Thurs. 7:30am-7pm; Fri. 7:30am-1:00pm; Saturday 8am-5pm.  





Mass Times

+ SATURDAY: 4:15 pm + SUNDAY: 8:00 am * 10am
Side Lake Chapel Mass at 10am (Memorial Day through Labor Day)

Mon. 8:00am
Tues. 5:15pm
Wed. 8:00am *Mass is at 9:00am on
Wednesdays during the school year, including
Thurs. 8:00am
Fri. 8:00am

Televised 8am Sunday Mass

Each week, the 8am Sunday Mass is broadcast live on television Channel 805 & 118.5. This Mass is also livestreamed on our YouTube Channel and Facebook page.


Today's Calendar

Click HERE for Monthly Calendar

Click on Event then Copy to my Calendar 

Are you interested in becoming a sponsor of Assumption Catholic School? Please click HERE for more information.

Day of Reflection

Please register by clicking HERE.

Save the Date! Fall Festival

Save the Date! Our Annual Fall Festival will be Sat., Oct. 5th from 10am-2pm. For more information, please click HERE.

40 Days for Life


I have set before you life and death, the blessings and the curse. Choose life, then.

It is hard to believe it has been almost a year since we worked together to pray for the end to abortion.  With Our Lady's intercession, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, and the 40 Days for Life Prayer Warriors, perhaps we can turn the tide and prevent further loss of LIFE in the womb and walk with moms who need our prayers and support, by Peacefully Praying at the Women's Health Center, the abortion facility in Duluth.   

40 Days for Life Prayerful Vigil Campaign is Sept. 25 - Nov. 3, 2024. The website to sign up for prayer vigil hours is up and running and can be found at https://www.40daysforlife.com/en/duluth.

If you feel the call to be a leader in the campaign, please attend a meeting on August 12, 6pm, St. Benedict's Library or call Kathy at 218-390-8560.  Thank you for your past support. 


St. Vincent De Paul Society Meeting

Upcoming St. Vincent de Paul upcoming Meetings at St. Joseph’s in Chisholm:

Sat., Sept. 28th at 10am

Sat., Oct 19th 10am

Sat., Nov 16 10am

Sat., Dec 14 10am

All are welcome to join the meetings! Invite a friend!


Fall Weekend for the Engaged

Upcoming Fall Weekend for the Engaged Are you getting married in the Fall or Winter?

 Registration is open for the in-person Fall Weekend for the Engaged. The weekend will be at Queen of Peace in Cloquet on Sept. 28th and 29th, 2024. Engaged couples, please register as soon as possible because weekends fill-up quickly. Engaged Weekends are part of the discernment process for couples, as they prepare and approach the Sacrament of Matrimony. If you know a couple getting married in the Catholic Church within the next two years, invite them to register. More information and registration are available at https://dioceseduluth.org/marriage-and-family-life

Bishop Daniel

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Greetings in the Lord! On Christmas Day 2022, I promulgated my Pastoral Letter, The Dawn from on High Shall Break Upon Us: Healing, Hope, and Joy in Jesus. The Pastoral Letter enlightens the Mission given to our Diocese by the Holy Spirit: As disciples of Jesus, we will intentionally help one another to grow closer to the healing, hope, and joy of Jesus, no matter where we are in the journey of faith.

The Pastoral Letter also identifies three Mission initiatives, each with its own emphasis. Presently, there is an emphasis on Healing. Over the past year, we have been encouraging people who are hurting to be healed through our healing ministries, sacraments, prayers, support groups, healing services, and relational reconciliations. There is convicting evidence that the Holy Spirit has been anointing so many in our diocese with the healing power we can only find in Jesus.

As we continued to heal the hurts in our personal lives, families, parishes, and the communities where we live, there is also evidence of an emerging sense of hope. As we experience the healing and hope we can only find in Jesus, we are beginning to embrace and embody the second mission emphasis of experiencing the healing and hope of Jesus in the Sacred Scriptures and Holy Eucharist (with an emphasis on Eucharistic Revival).

In my video presentation, I am calling us to continue our mission of healing (mission emphasis one), as well as leading people through the Scriptures and the Eucharist to the healing and hope (Paschal Mystery) that we can only experience in the Real Presence of Jesus (mission emphasis two).

I truly believe that the mission of bringing all people closer to the healing, hope, and joy of Jesus is entrusted to us by the Holy Spirit. I believe that the impact and fruition of blessings that we will receive as a result of bringing our mission alive will be bountiful — because in the end, our mission is not about us, but what the Holy Spirit wants to do in and though us, in the power of Jesus.

In the healing, hope and joy of Jesus,

Blessed Sacrament Parish

Healing and Hope in Jesus

2022 Pastoral Letter from Bishop Daniel Felton

Please click the picture above to read the Letter, or click HERE to hear the audio version of "Healing, Hope and Joy in Jesus, A Pastoral Letter from Bishop Daniel Felton of the Diocese of Duluth." 

Handmaids of the Heart of Jesus have moved into a new home in Duluth to accommodate their growing presence in our Diocese

Blessed Sacrament Parish/Assumption School Year End Financial Report 2022-2023

Please find the 2022-2023 Financial Statement for Blessed Sacrament & Assumption Catholic School. 

2022-2023 Financial Statement for Blessed Sacrament Parish & Assumption Catholic School.

Resources to assist in understanding Roe vs. Wade overturn & helping Moms in Need

Golden Jubiliee and Consecration of the Blessed Sacrament Church


The Parish offers wonderful Catholic content as a free gift from our Parish!  Please visit Formed.org and type in Parish code 6TMZPC for full access.  


Safe Environment

Please click here to learn more about Safe Environment through our Diocese of Duluth website:  Diocese of Duluth Safe Environment.

Immaculate Conception Church update JUNE 2023

Immaculate Conception Church Property: The Finance Council is looking for parishioners to serve on an exploratory committee for the development of the Immaculate Conception Church Property.  Please contact Bill Manney at 218-929-0755 if interested.  A meeting date will be set later this summer.


Immaculate Conception Update

October 26, 2022, Update on Immaculate Conception: As of today, the chandelier light fixtures have been purchased by an antiques restoration company; the cornerstone, Immaculate Conception Church name plate, and the Marian Statue from above the main entrance have been removed from the building and brought to Blessed Sacrament to be incorporated there. The baldachin has been removed and placed in storage until a new home is found. Kitchen items like the dishwasher, glassware, and the like have been purchased by local restaurants. Any remaining dishes have been sent to the Iron Range Maternity Home, Range Transitional Housing, and other places that will help people get set up in homes. All utilities have been disconnected, and Bougalis and Sons Construction has moved up the start of deconstruction to tomorrow-October 27, 2022, at which time, the bells will be removed from the tower and placed into storage. This is a somber moment, but we look to the past with gratitude for the graces offered at this site, and we look ahead with trust in God’s providence. Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.

Immaculate Conception update

An update on the Immaculate Conception Closure

Update as of August 5th, 2022:

Letter dated August 5th, 2022: Update on the Deconstruction of Immaculate Conception Church

Update as of October 4th, 2021:

Please click HERE for an update on the Immaculate Conception Church dated October 2021.  

Update as of November 2nd, 2020:

Update on Immaculate Conception Rectory:  After four months on the market, we closed on the sale of the rectory, receiving our original asking price.  The statue of the Blessed Mother from the south lawn will remain there until the Spring of 2021.  At that time, she will be moved over to Blessed Sacrament.  Please offer prayers for the new owner, that she may enjoy the house as much as our Parish did. We also ask for continued prayers as we discern the next steps to take with the church building.  

Update as of September 19th, 2020:

Please click here to read the decree provided by Fr. James Bissonnette in regards to the reduction of the Immaculate Conception Church.:  Decree provided by Fr. James Bissonnette in regards to Immaculate Conception.

Update as of July 28th, 2020:

The rectory has been on the market for roughly a month.  In that time, we have had one offer that fell through.  Please pray the right buyer comes along to purchase the property.  With the potential for a sale, the rectory was readied to be emptied and items moved over to the Blessed Sacrament Rectory.  We patiently await the installation of our new Bishop to be able to proceed with the status reduction of the church.

Here is an update of the Immaculate Conception since the closing on December 8th:

  • A Letter of Reduction has been submitted to the Diocese to reduce the status of the church from sacred to profane—meaning it can be used as a secular space. This reduction gives us the ability to make decisions on how to proceed with the church building. No formal response has been received.
  • Requests have been sent to local appraisers and realtors for bids on appraising the property, as well as, requesting formal presentations of how they would suggest marketing the two properties should we decide to sell.
  • Kitchen items have been inventoried and categorized by: keep for use, sell, or broken and thrown out.
  • Items from the church and sanctuary have been earmarked for the Side Lake Chapel.
  • All sacramental items have been brought over to Blessed Sacrament for safe keeping and to be used with Sunday liturgies.

As more developments happen, we will keep you informed.


Restoration Updates

Restoration Updates:  

If you have been on or driven by the church campus in recent weeks, you may have noticed work being done on the rectory.  We have contracted with Jerome Stanoch of Building Restoration Services to remove the chimney and repair damage done to the roof and exterior walls from years of water infiltration.  Bricks on the north wall have been removed and replaced, and the column on the balcony on the east side above the patio has been demolished and rebuilt.  It, too, had sustained much damage due to water infiltration.  The old gutters will be replaced with large new gutters capable of shedding large amounts of water away from the building.

Once the rectory work is complete, Jerome will move to work on stabilizing and securing the guttering system on Blessed Sacrament Church.  His work here should help prevent future ice damming on the roof.

This is not the first time Jerome has worked on Blessed Sacrament.  He spent the summer of 2015 restoring, cleaning, and tuck pointing our bell tower.  We thank God for his talents and expertise!